You’ve entered the indie-rock world of Pinto and the Bean, where passionate music & weirdness are the norm.  While you’re here, grab our album.  It’s free…and hopefully it rocks you!

Go On…It’s Right There For The Taking!

Here’s What People Are Saying About Pinto & the Bean

Ivan and Me at Practice Smaller Resoltion

TILTING WINDMILL STUDIOS – “This is a must-listen for fans of indie music…inventive, infectiously catchy, & creative as hell.”

JOHNNY G – “They’re unique & don’t really fit into any style.  Their songs are glorious cause they buck the trends of current music & embrace the style of the old, while creating something new & slightly futuristic.”

CROSSRADAR – “Strange & cleverly constructed, this is indie for people who like to think about what they’re listening to.”

You don’t fit into the snug norms of society?  Neither do we…never did…not in elementary school, when other kids were playing sports, and we were collecting insects or daydreaming about unicorns…not as grown ups in the professional world where we hid out in cubicle corners.  The popularity contest of life just never suited us.

Remember when you discovered music could drown out the evil forces of the world?  We do too.  It’s what flows through our veins…it’s why we pick up these instruments and write these songs, often furious, sometimes sad, and always straight from the heart.

So, please take this gift from us.  It’s our full length album The Waiting Place and we’re incredibly proud of it.  If even a single song on this record creeps into your soul and touches you, then we’ve done our job.

And beyond that, we’re sincerely looking forward to getting to know you.

Grab The Waiting Place free for a limited time!

Waiting Place Cover and CD Separated

Just enter your name and email address on this page and you’ll be sent the free album immediately.

So, grab your headphones, or whatever spacey device you use to listen to music, enter your email, and grab your FREE album now.